Outdoor Rooms are now a required feature by most Luxury Home Buyers. The good news is that almost any property -with a just a little bit of land -can create a dramatic exterior space.
In order to do this succesfully, you must have a clearly defined space with hard-suface flooring. There should also be an overhead component. Optimally, it should be adjacent to- and feel like an extension of the existing property.
If there is no land immedately adjacent to the home, create a distinctive walkway connecting the two spaces together. Design-wise, the two should be cohesive.
Characteristics that add to the value of such rooms are built-in furniture, water features, Outdoor flat screen, or a firepit. The more amenities, the better. You will find that when you go to Sell, a fully-appointed Outdoor Room is a real “game -changer”. It will add significantly to the market value of your home!